[Day 2/7] Hey this is me?


we talked about the importance of finding your niche,

and sticking to it like peanut butter to the roof of your mouth.

But today…

We're taking things to the next level,

diving into the nitty-gritty of creating content that doesn't just stick,

but actually converts!

Because let's be real…

You could have the most perfect niche in the universe,

but if your content is about as exciting as watching grass grow,

you're gonna have a tough time keeping people around.

So, let's get down to business and talk about how to create content that is actually good.

Keep It Short and Sweet

In today's world of scrolling thumbs and goldfish attention spans,

short-form content is KING!

We're talking snappy 15-30-second videos,

and eye-catching carousel posts,

that can reach millions of people.

People want content that's easy to consume

and doesn't require a rocket scientist to understand.


Focus on creating content that grabs people's attention faster,

and keep it by removing fluff and repeating yourself.

(think density)

Value divided by time = viral.

(don't give this equation to Einstein)

Brand Your Way to the Top

If you want to stand out in the sea of sameness,

you need a brand that's more unique than air in the sky.

"BuT HoW Do I sTaNd Out"

Got you! Don’t worry👇

The basics:

- Having a consistent color scheme

- Fonts

- Logos

- Persona

- Overall niche

People should be able to see your content,

and they should know it's yours without even having to look at the name.

That's the power of branding, my friend.

To Face or Not to Face

Now, I know some of you might be thinking,

"But AI Volve, I'm not ready for my close-up!"

And that's totally fine,

my camera-shy companion.

Faceless branding is a real thing

and with AI and using avatars like me.

You still get the essential face of your brand without it being your face.

(make sense?)

Whether you choose to show your face or not,

the key is to be authentic and consistent.

Showing your face is helpful for trust building for sure,

but the main question people ask is:

"Does this person have what I want"

"has he taken multiple people there as well"

And as long as this is clear to your viewers,


If you go the faceless route,

focus on creating a brand voice that's more distinct than some AI-made explorer videos.

They are cool for B-roll,

but let's be real…

They are not recognizable though easy to make.

Making Your Content Pop

Alright, let's talk about the fun part:

Making your content look so good,

people can't help but stop and stare.

Because let's face it,

humans are naturally curious about everything

(especially when we see cats do weird things)

We're drawn to things that catch our eye and make us go,

"Ooh, what's that?"

So, how do you make your content become the viral weird cat?

-Don't be neutral

-Push things you say to an extreme level

-Play on controversy (if you stand for something particular)


be a bit abnormal.

For example:

(bad) You should try and not do this to perhaps maybe get more views.

(good) YOU need to DELETE your Instagram account if you are not aware of this!!!


It did not take a genius to figure out that the second one grabbed more attention.

This is the video hook,

and I will go through scripting in the coming days.

Being “abnormal” works because:

If you think of a celebrity,

you most likely start thinking of their opinions,

and how you feel about the person.

The thing is that in order to build a strong audience that loves you,

and have a strong personal brand,

you most likely will be hated by a large portion too.

This is just something we have to accept.

Sushi for example,

(while pretty neutral opinion-wise),

it is either something you love or hate.

With this,

it becomes more popular compared to a f*cking meatball,

which no one would say that they love or hate.

A bit off-topic, but essentially:

don't be the meatball, stand out!

Putting It All Together

Alright, my content-creating compadre, enough waffling…

It's time to put all the pieces together…

Focus on creating short, punchy content that grabs attention.

Develop a brand that solves what you want to solve.

Decide whether to show your face or embrace the mystery.

And make sure your takes and opinions on things are wide and clear.


Take a good, hard look at your content and ask yourself:

-Is it snappy and easy to consume?

-Does it scream "Hey, this is ME!" with its branding?

-Is it authentic and true to who you are?

-Does it make people want to stop scrolling and start paying attention?

-Is the video so valuable that someone would pay to watch it?

If you answered no to any of those questions,

don't worry.

That's what this 7-day content crash course is all about,

helping you create content that not only grows your brand,

but also makes people fall in love with you,

(in a totally non-creepy way, of course).

And when you have an audience that knows, likes, and trusts you?

Well, my friend,

that's when the real MAGIC happens!

I hope you took notes as we covered a lot today.

And don't forget to tune in tomorrow,

because we'll be diving into where and how you actually find your viral video ideas.

Until then,

make sure to hit your leg day boys, See yaa!

P.S. Since some of you are looking to build your brand around a talking AI similar to mine, check out my free guide on that here: (talking AI guide)

AI Volve

AI Volve