[Day 5/7] Networking


we talked about the art of scripting videos,

that keep your viewers hooked like a fish on a line.

But today,

we're diving into a topic that's often overlooked but is absolutely crucial to your success:


Because let's face it…

You could have the best content in the world,

but if you're trying to do it all alone,

you're in for a looooong journey.

Trust me, I've been there, and it sucks.

(and no I am not here to sell you anything haha)

Here's the thing:

You don't have to go through the grind alone. In fact you shouldn't.

Because the secret to skyrocketing your growth isn't just about what you know…

It's about who you know. 🤝


When I first started out,

I was like a lost puppy in a sea of big dogs.

I had no idea what I was doing,

and I felt like everyone else was lightyears ahead of me.

But then I realized something:

Those big dogs didn't get there by accident.

They had help.

They had mentors.

They had a network of people who supported them,

and helped them grow.

And that's when I had my lightbulb moment.

I needed to find my pack!

I needed to surround myself with people who were on the same journey as me,

who could support me,

who I could support,

challenge me,

and help me grow.

And that's exactly what I did.

I started reaching out to other creators in my niche.

I slid into their DMs like a kid passing notes in class.

P.S. I found a little secret to connect with the big guys🤫

I hopped on Zoom calls as an 18-year-old with Swenglish,

(poor English with a Swedish accent).

Slowly but surely…

I started building my network.

And let me tell you,

it made ALL the difference!

Having a network of people in your corner is like having a cheat code for growth.

They can help you:

- Avoid common mistakes and pitfalls

- Learn from their experiences and insights

- Collaborate on projects and cross-promote each other

- Hold you accountable and keep you motivated

But here's the thing:

Networking isn't just about what you can get from others.

It's about what you can give, too.

It's about building genuine relationships based on mutual support and respect.

So, how do you do that?

Well, let me break it down for you.

Step 1: Find Your Guys (pause)

The first step to building your network is to find the people you want to connect with.

Start by looking for people who:

- Have a similar number of followers to you

- Create content that resonates with you

- Seem approachable and friendly

Once you've found a few potential guys to connect with,

it's time to start engaging with them.

Which leads me into…

Step 2: Engage

Engaging with other creators is like a dance.

You don't want to come on too strong,

but you also don't want to be a wallflower.

Here are a few tips:

- Follow them (duh)

- Leave thoughtful comments on their posts


Once you have done this for a few days DM them something like:

"yo, love the content keep up the good work💪"

(and please don't spam me with this haha)

The thing most don't realize

is that creators like me get 100+ messages from copywriters/video editors a day.

Telling me my content is trash and that they could fix it.

What a nice approach… it’s true though.

Don't just leave generic comments like "Great post!"

Actually take the time to watch their content and leave a comment that shows you're paying attention.

and the same goes with DMs:

- Keep it short and sweet

- Start with a genuine compliment or observation

- Ask a question

The key is to make it about them, not you.

Don't come in with a pitch or an ask right off the bat.

To do this successfully:

DON’T have a control C control V, you paste to everyone,

I can smell it;)


Focus on like 3-5 people that you like and that:

A: seems nice.

B: Actually are in a quite mutual position to you.

And yes having a larger following will help you,

but by being kind, genuine, and humble,

most creators will open up and be happy to help.

Step 3: Take It Offline

Once you've built up a bit of a relationship through DMs,

it's time to take things offline.

And no…

I don't mean showing up at their house with a boombox,

(although if you do, please send me the video),

I mean hopping on a Zoom call or a phone call.

If there is an obvious size/knowledge difference,

be aware that this will lead to them trying to sell you their coaching.

that is the game,

I am here to tell you the rules.

(This does not have to be a bad thing btw)

Talking to someone in real time is a game-changer.

It allows you to:

- Build a deeper connection

- Brainstorm ideas and collaborate

- Learn from each other's experiences


It's just more fun than typing back and forth all day.

Step 4: Keep the Momentum Going

Building a network isn't a one-and-done thing.

It's an ongoing process that requires effort and consistency.

Here are a few ways to keep the momentum going…

The key is to treat your network like a garden.

You have to tend to it regularly if you want it to grow and thrive.

Now, I know some of you might be thinking:

"But AI Volve, I'm an introvert! Networking sounds exhausting."

And I get it.

Putting yourself out there can be scary at first.

But here's the thing:

You don't have to be the life of the party to build a great network.

You just have to be genuine, supportive, and consistent.

And if you're still feeling overwhelmed,

just remember:

Even the biggest names in the game had to start somewhere.

PewDiePie, MrBeast, Casey Neistat...

They all had to build their networks from scratch.

And look where they are now.

So, my content-creating compadres,

don't be afraid to put yourself out there and start building your network.

It might feel uncomfortable at first, but I promise you,

it's worth it!

And if you really want to accelerate your growth,

don't be afraid to invest in yourself.

Find a mentor, join a mastermind group,

or take a course from someone who's already achieved what you want to achieve.

I know courses and coaching can sometimes get a bad rap…

But let me tell you…

Investing in my own education and personal development,

has been one of the best decisions I've ever made.

I've taken courses, hired coaches, and joined mastermind groups.

And each one has helped me level up my skills, mindset,

and my network in ways I never could have done on my own.

Of course, you have to be discerning.

Not all courses and coaches are great.

But if you do your research, read testimonials,

and find someone who resonates with you,

it will be a game-changer!

Because at the end of the day,

“success” in this game is all about knowledge and application.

The more you know and the more you apply what you know,

the faster you'll grow.

I mean, just look at Elon Musk.

Love him or hate him,

there's no denying the man knows his rockets…

And he's said himself that if he lost everything,

he could rebuild it all in a few years,

because he has the knowledge and the network to do it.

That's the power of investing in yourself and surrounding yourself with the right people.

So, don't be afraid to put yourself out there,

and start building your network.

And don't be afraid to invest in yourself,

and learn from those who have already achieved what you want to achieve.

Because when you combine great content with a great network,

and a commitment to constantly learning and growing,

there's no limit to what you can achieve. 

I believe in you.

And I'm here to support you every step of the way.

So go forth and start building those relationships.

(if you have actually given things a try for real on your own first.)

Don't forget to tune in tomorrow,

where I will go through how to 10x your views in a matter of days,

(it's actually the "hacks" that work.)

Until then, stay awesome💪

AI Volve

AI Volve