From 200 Views to 9k/Month

18 years old.

Posting Minecraft parkour clips on TikTok.

200 views. Zero hope.

That was me, just over a year ago.


140k+ followers, 20+ million views, and $9k/month.

All at just 19 years old.

But let's be real: this journey wasn't smooth.

I've launched products that flopped spectacularly.

I accepted brand deals that severely undervalued my work.

I watched affiliate links earn absolutely nothing while getting a lot of views.

At my lowest, 30k followers which translated into not even $1k/mo,

then everything shifted!

I cracked the code on:

  • Landing $1000 deals for 30-second clips

  • Building funnels for consistent, passive income

  • Creating systems to never run out of content ideas

In just 4 months, my income skyrocketed from $1k to $9k monthly.

Now, I'm sharing these strategies with others.

Ashot, who gained 65k followers in 40 days.

Or Sreeraj, who added $1,800 to his income in just 24 hours.

Whether you're just starting out or struggling to monetize your existing audience,

I've been in your shoes.

Just wanted to let you know…

If you are in the AI niche and need some help with growing or monetizing:

This call is not a sales pitch,

just wanna see where you are at and if it would make sense for us to work together.

So book one if you are interested,

if not…

-Stay awesome💪

AI Volve

AI Volve

Whenever you’re ready, here’s how I can help you out:

AI Volve Academy: Get coached directly by me & join our private VIP group of talented creators to start, grow, and monetize your content using my exact AI systems.