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  • Is this you {{first_name|buddy}}?

Is this you buddy?

Your lead magnet is working.

People are signing up.

But then... nothing happens.

The other day, one of you asked me about this exact problem.

The truth is, I see it all the time:

Creators build an email list but never email them.

Let's talk about the bridge between your freebie and your paid offer:

The Welcome Sequence.

(A sequence of emails that gets sent out daily to new subscribers)

Think of it like this:

Someone just trusted you with their email.

They're excited about your free value.

Now it's your chance to turn that excitement into a relationship.

Here's the framework I use:

Days 1-7: Daily VALUE emails

  • Day 1: Welcome + Deliver freebie

  • Day 2-5: Pure value (solve their problems)

  • Day 6: Highlight the big problem

  • Day 7: Present your paid solution to the problem on day 6.

Your goal?

Connect the dots between their current problem and your paid solution.

By building that, know, like, and trust you factor.

But here's the crucial part most people miss:

Your welcome sequence is just the beginning.

If you stop emailing after day 7, all that trust you've built?

Poof - Gone.

I see too many creators desperately building their email list...

Only to let it collect dust.


Trust is like a plant.

It needs constant nurturing.

At minimum, show up in their inbox once a week.


Because an email list without regular value

is just a list of strangers who once downloaded your freebie.

P.S. Building your welcome sequence? Start with the end in mind: What transformation does your paid offer provide?

-Stay awesome💪

AI Volve

AI Volve

Whenever you’re ready, here’s how I can help you out:

AI Volve Academy: If you're an AI creator or looking to start creating content in the AI niche, let me help you directly and add $5k/month to your content business in 90 days.

The Faceless Formula: If you are a complete beginner looking to just grab the resources essential for creating faceless AI content like me, without any direct support, this is for you.