🟡 Motivation...

Hey friend,

Something hit me this week.

After working with one of the new Academy students,

I realized the one thing that separates those who succeed from those who don't.

It's not their skills,

not their niche,

it's not even their content quality.

It's their urgency.

See, this new student has exactly 3 months before he needs to return to his full-time job.

3 months to make this work.

3 months to build something real.

3 months to change his life.

And you know what?

I'd bet everything I have that he'll succeed.


Because after helping hundreds of people build their faceless automation brands this last year,

I've noticed a strong trend:

The people with the most urgency get the best results.

It was the same for me.

When I started, I had terrible grades, no university plans, and a part-time job I hated.

The fear of ending up stuck in that minimum wage position was so strong,

It fueled me to blow up with content when everyone else was partying.

That urgency was my superpower.

When the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of changing,

Success becomes inevitable.

But here's the thing...

Most of you reading this are probably somewhere in the middle.

You have some income.

You're relatively comfortable.

Life isn't terrible - But you want more.

And that comfort is killing your progress.

So how do you create urgency when your back isn't against the wall?

Here are the 3 ways that massively helped me out:

1. Paint your dream, then get pissed at your reality

Take 10 minutes to write down your dream life in detail.

The freedom, the income etc…

Then look at where you are now.

The gap between those two should make you a little bit pissed off tbh.

Use that anger as fuel.

2. Make comfort your enemy

Comfort means no change,

So track your progress relentlessly.

Set public deadlines.

Make failing uncomfortable.

I literally used to tell my old college Nayim:

“If When I become a millionare I’ll…“

The fear of looking stupid drove me forward.

Am I there yet? No

But I know that a 1% improvement everyday without quitting will make it impossible for me not to hit it.

3. Upgrade who you compare yourself to

You're not the sum of the 5 people around you.

You're the sum of the 5 people you compare yourself to.

Don't compare to feel bad and give up.

Compare to get inspired and level up.

When I was making $0, I was studying creators making $5K/month.

When I hit $5K, I started following those making $20K.

The point is to only take advice from the people ahead,

that is how you get to their level.

Alright that was my ramble of the day…

Apply this and let me know if it helps;)

-Stay awesome💪

AI Volve

Melvin Hagström (AI Volve)