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  • Reel Monetization Demystified

Reel Monetization Demystified

Hey friend,

Ever found yourself wondering where people actually make money from their reels?

Monetization was honestly a big mystery for me too when I started out.

But if I were to start all over again, here's what I'd do:

Step #1: Create a Valuable Free Product

Craft a free product of high value.

It should be something great and digestible,

taking no more than 10 minutes of your audience's time.

Ensure it solves a problem that leads to a bigger one,

which you can address with your paid offer.

For instance, if you're a fitness coach…

this could be offering some fantastic diet ideas.

Then, your viewer will naturally want to know how to train properly,

which you can solve with your paid training. Boom—MONEY.

Step #2: Capture Emails

Once people get your free product,

capture their email.

This allows you to continue building a relationship via email.

Use a welcome sequence to do this.

Your job here is to build trust with your subscriber.

After about 7 emails, give an honorable mention that you solve problem X with your paid offer.

Step #3: Introduce Your Low-Ticket Product

Now, it's time to create your low-ticket product,

priced between $10 and $99.

The goal here isn't just to make money (although that's a great bonus).

You want to overdeliver so much that your audience will be thinking,

"If I paid $50 and got $500 in value, what will happen if I invest in the coaching for $500?"

Step #4: Engage and Nurture

Once your audience has purchased your low-ticket product,

engage with them and nurture the relationship.

Provide value, answer questions, and continue to build trust.

This sets the stage for them to consider investing in your higher-ticket offers down the line.


it's all about providing value and building trust.

By following these steps…

you'll be well on your way to creating a successful and sustainable online business.

P.S - If you have any questions or need further guidance, feel free to reach out. I'm here to help you succeed!

See you soon,

AI Volve

AI Volve

Whenever you are ready here is how I can help you out…

If you want to do what I do:

-Create faceless AI content

-Work 3 hours a day


Check out my new course teaching you how👇