10 > 1,000,000


My client Awa just added $1,000 in monthly recurring revenue.

One student. One program. One sale.

But here's what most creators miss:

You don't need millions of views.

You don't need viral content.

You don't even need a huge following.

You “only“ need 10 true fans.

Think about it:

10 high-ticket clients at $1k each = $10k monthly.

That's why Awa shifted his strategy:

Instead of chasing viral views,

he started creating content for those specific 10 people he wanted to work with.

The ones who'd actually buy.

The ones who'd stick around.

The ones who'd get the best results.

Most creators do the opposite:

Posting brain-rot content.

Chasing vanity metrics (Views & follows).

Wondering why their views won't convert.

But when you realize you only need 10 true fans?

Everything changes.

Your content gets focused.

Your message gets clearer.

Your sales get easier.

I know however that you might not have your offer in place,

or you might just need a way to get started.

If that is you…

Hit reply with "START" - I'll reach out to see if I can help.

-Stay awesome 💪

AI Volve

Melvin Hagström (AI Volve)