Best Transformations 2024


December 29th.

Time to show you what's possible in 365 days.

Look at these transformations:

Ashot: 0 → 100k in 70 days (now 145k).

Franklin: $800 in 5 days.

Sreeraj $1,800 in 24 hours.

But here's what matters:

None of them started special.

None of them showed their face.

None of them had "perfect" content.

They just had a system that works.

The same system that took me from:

Being a broke student using AI to cheat my school assignments,

to $11k/mo in one year at 19 years old.

2025 starts in 48 hours.

Where will you be this time next year?

Two paths ahead:

You'll either be in next year's transformation post...

Or watching from the sidelines.

-Stay awesome 💪

AI Volve

Melvin Hagström (AI Volve)